We hadn't been to our neighborhood farmers market in so long. But on Thursday, Imo came home very early from work, and while Asha was at gymnastics, we decided to go. I was thrilled to find so many new vendors! There was a wider selection of produce (that is, veggies that I usually have to go to the Asian market for), a stall where you could get musubi and sushi, and another that sold fresh oysters that they would shuck right there for you to enjoy with a squeeze of lemon and grated horseradish. I didn't bring my camera, but that was just as well, because my arms were full! We came home with sayote tops, yam leaves, okra, red spinach, garlic, two heads of cauliflower (one of them purple!), the sweetest white peaches and red and golden pluots, and a huge bouquet of caspia flowers.

There was something not right in the air last week. I read something really disturbing on Facebook. (I know right!) A swimming park opened in Hanoi and on its first few hours of operation, crowds swelled in, and some men sexually harassed the women bathers who were blamed for being harassed because they were wearing bathing suits. I kept thinking of how crazy that is and couldn't figure out why that kind of thing happens in this day and age. Why? And then, also through Facebook, I learned that scientists discovered a new planet, an almost-earth, in another solar system! The two images: a distant almost-earth and the crowded swimming park with lurking sickos left me so disconcerted. And then, how would I ever know beyond the work I have waiting for me and my obligations and my petty little plans if not for Facebook?