My kids' birthdays stress me out. Asha's especially because, with school out, invitations require a bit more effort, plus summer is supposed to be FUN, and Asha, being Asha, has big expectations. I really wanted to please her but also wanted to keep things simple for the sake of Imo's wallet and my sanity. We agreed to just celebrating with cake on the evening of her actual birthday, a Wednesday, and then going out to watch a movie with her friends on Saturday. But then, a swim play date with her teammates fell on the day of her birthday, and she begged that I bring cupcakes. This became celebration #1. Then, that evening, the Mendozas and the Lachicas, with Amy R. who was visiting from Peru, came over and we all had green tea cake (by request from birthday girl) and this was celebration #2. Then, on Saturday, a movie, as planned: Imo and me and five girls at the mall (madness), and then back home for more cake (actually, berry cream pie): celebration #3. Good heavens. But I was glad she was happy (nevermind the physical and social exhaustion). Double digits! It certainly called for an extended party.

It's April's last weekend as an invalid and we have been celebrating constantly. Things haven't always gone according to plan. On Friday, we met my parents at Ye Dang for dinner but the traffic was so terrible all around and I regretted summoning everyone out of the comforts of their home. Saturday, we had lunch with Ama and Leah and Elina and we had all sorts of fun chores to do -- as part of April getting well -- but I napped the whole afternoon. I woke up in time for dinner and it was another one of those rainy and I didn't really want to do anything. But we went to Yuu Jin, a nice Japanese neighborhood restaurant in Wilson -- a place I never visited even when I lived in Wilson all those years. April's friend Leah recommended it and just when April was going to text Leah to say that we were in that place she recommended, we ran into her! That was fun. And the food, wow. What a find. I ate with relish like I do when I am happy. Every bite was a delight and now and then things would spill.