I was just telling Imo the other day, wouldn't it be nice to have new friends? (Translation: Wouldn't it be nice to actually have friends?) What I would give to have intelligent, creative, easygoing people gathered around my dinner table to exchange ideas with, laugh out loud with, drink with. Especially drink with. Just kidding. Actually, no, I’m not kidding. Haha. I wish social situations didn't put me in a mild state of distress, because I do crave company. Though I tend to be picky about company. Sigh. The curse of middle-age introversion.

I have never felt so social in my life. But I am most social with April. We're together a lot but that doesn't mean we're always sociable to each other. We (I) need dates. I like (love) flirting and being flirted with. The feeling of discovering someone for the first time ever -- such a high! But what to do when you've known each other for quite a while? When I know what she'll do before she even decides she'll do it? I do love new things and people. Or do I really? Because nothing excites me more than coming home to tell April about my day -- though I've already told her bits of my day through chat. And when she and I feel social together, we love nothing more than calling up all our old to ask them to come over for a drink. The familiar -- I choose it more than I think, and hold it closer to me than I admit.