"The house is the stage set for the drama we hope our lives will be or become. And it’s much easier to decorate the set than to control the drama....Thus the hankering for houses is often desire for a life, and the fervency with which we pursue them is the hope that everything will be all right..., that our lives will be measured, gracious, ordered, coherent, safe." Tell me about it, Rebecca Solnit. No words have rung truer to me these days as I fix up our new home and take on the everyday challenges of parenting pre/adolescents. Number 7 is a new battlefield. And it could use some patio rugs.

There were plans for a "Liquors of Europe" tasting at our house but that became a wine-all-you-can at Planet Grapes. Mostly because I had already consumed the liquors we were supposed to be sampling with friends. Well, it turned out to be a lovely night. There is no telling how much successful my weekends are. Sometimes, no matter how well-planned they are with all the right elements, they bomb. Sometimes, I feel content and rested even though there was too little or too much going on. All this is all in my mind, I know.