Often, what looks a lot like overreaction and panic to Imo is really just me being proactive. In the same way that what looks to me like a lack of urgency and concern is really just Imo being a calm, quiet, steady source of support. This is so often how we clash: I get angry that he doesn't seem to care; he gets annoyed that I obsess. We've overcome many challenges in our fourteen years together -- including this latest domestic tribulation -- by getting on each other's nerves. We make a good team.

A good friend of ours got hitched this weekend and we travelled to Lilom for the wedding. Before it got crazy, before the workmen arrived to transform the place with flower pompoms and sampaguita garlands that streaked through the branches, before the sound checks and hammering roused us from our naps, before the media people arrived and we tripped on their cords, before we arrived chasing the sunset, before the bride-to-be ran out to meet us bathed in the afternoon light that was yellow and gold, before her vows when she promised to have and to hold the one that she loved, before all that we feared it would not be perfect. But it was.