It was Asha's first ever meet on Sunday. It was just a practice meet, but I was very excited to see her routines, which I'd never seen in full. This has been her dream, to be a competitive gymnast, and to see her get here, after last year's heartbreaks, makes my mama heart swell. Her first event was floor, and I was in such awe, I forgot to take pictures. How did Imo and I make this person? All three of our kids -- including Nacho, who does karate -- are so good with their bodies, so strong and coordinated and graceful, it's hard to believe they are from us (one who dances funny, and the other who refuses to dance).

I love pole dancing. It is so campy. Janelle and I went to our first class today. We learned basic choreography and I made a big deal about whipping my hair back and forth. We learned basic dips, spins, and lifts. I rocked the "fireman," spinning round and down with abandon. I was sublime doing the "dream girl" with my head dipped back and my thighs scissoring the chrome pole. Like my dreams, I am suspended. On a stake. To dismount: I grip the pole with my thighs, tuck my legs under me and sit on air. I descend, I sink. On the floor now, still clutching the pole, I arch my back until the crown of my head touches the floor. Like a bow in reverse.