can you make crepes for breakfast? what are we doing today? can you get my clothes? can somebody drive me to school? what's for lunch? did you put my homework folder in my backpack? can i skip karate and go to the farmers market with my friends? can you pick me up? can we get donuts? can we get boba? can bubba come over? what did the banana say to the doctor? what is an archipelago? how big is the philippines? i'm bored, what should i do? can i watch tv? did you buy snacks? did you wash my p.e. uniform? do we have lined paper? can you turn on the shower? can you peel me like a banana? what's for dinner? can we go to young dong tofu? can i crack the egg? can i light a match? where did you put my book? where are my leotards? can you tie my hair? when can we go to the library? when can we go to disneyland again? are we lost? who else is coming? can you set the timer? can you sign this? can i be in the talent show? can i borrow your phone? why can't yumi do it? why do you always take asha's side? why can't kuya go first? why is everything so unfair? what is the weather like tomorrow? can you tuck us in? can i read for a few minutes? can we have movie night? can you leave the door ajar? aren't you proud of me? do you love me, mommy?

2yo: a baby brother, someone to play with. 5yo: my own room, a space all to myself. 7yo: a birthday party, one I didn't have to share with my baby brother. 14yo: a boyfriend, though girls were more interesting. 15yo: friends, especially if they were boys. 17yo: marry my true love, who was also my best friend. 21yo: a boyfriend, someone to make me forget the one that I loved. 24yo: a wedding, one that would solve all my problems. 25yo: love, the kind that would save my marriage. 30yo: a job, one that I loved. 33yo: an apartment, a space all to myself. 35yo: a wedding, a real one, with someone who loved me. 37yo: a drink at the end of the day, with the one I love.