i have learned, in all these years of living in small spaces with a growing family (that is, growing kids), to be ruthless with clutter and to be very selective about the things that we bring into our home. "have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." i've lived by these words, even before i knew that english craftsman and writer william morris had said them more than a century ago. we are not wealthy, but i know that it is privilege that allows me to consider the objects that we keep -- what kind of towels, what color sheets, what shape spoons. i know that it is privilege that allows me, paradoxically, to live simply and with intention. i cannot take that for granted.

My happiness keeps me from concentrating. This is one drawback I need to talk to my doctor about. But I keep forgetting to confirm my appointment because my secretary used to do these things for me. April can’t believe that I have made it a personal goal to work hard enough to afford a secretary again. She asks, “Why can’t you make it your personal goal to just survive without a secretary like you used to for years?” Because I want a secretary. Hello. Anyway, it has come to this. More and more I am determined to possess the things I think I deserve. I take pleasure in my days, manufacturing desires, moving among the people I’ve decided to need and love.