"And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
no wonder that beginnings are always a little bit melancholy. the first really quiet day of winter break was also its last. i made apple galettes, because i finally had the time to do it -- i had been meaning to make them all of the last couple of weeks. and because i needed to keep my hands busy to keep my heart from being sad. the end of the holidays always does this to me. anyway, it worked. the oven warmed the kitchen, the smell of cinnamon filled the apartment. how funny, to brace oneself for the return of normalcy.

I miss my old office. NOT. I now work with Drink, a creative agency that focuses on corporate communications. I am only 2 blocks away from the NBDB but, wow, I feel like I have crossed over to another galaxy. During the holidays, just before we started work, Harris sent an internal email to formally welcome me and introduce me to the team. I felt this rush of adrenaline, almost like flying, more like being aimed — or can I say cocked? — at the stratospheres of my ambition. Anticipation is my favorite feeling. I know I am myself — my best self — when I feel atomic. My anxiety, my night terrors, the trembling that keeps me awake — mere turbulence that will not stop my flight.