Nacho had a soccer game on Sunday and we all went to watch. Let me say up front that I find it hard to watch competitive team sports (with my kids in it) because I nearly always get a heart attack. To begin with, Nacho's team coach was banned from the field that day, having had earned himself a red card for contesting a referee's call during their previous game. This already made me very nervous. But all started out well and they scored the first goal! It was a pretty steady match, until the opposing team started making illegal goals which the referees didn't call out! Nacho, who is an awesome goalkeeper (and I am not just saying that because I am his mother), was especially baffled and pissed. "OFFSIDE! OFFSIDE!" the dads on our team kept shouting but the referees wouldn't call it. The loudest dad got a warning so he calmed himself down. But the other team continued to commit the offense, and the assistant ref continued to turn a blind eye, and so the dads, incredibly frustrated, protested again until two of them were ejected from the field. Anyway, the other team "won" (4-2). We were all like, "WTF?" and then we tried to shake it off, for the sake of our boys, who, in spite of everything, played hard and fair.
I find it very hard to come home these days. I'm not sure why. I'm afraid to face the few light chores. I anticipate disasters the pets have caused. I'm afraid I will find something broken. It's so misplaced, and I don't know where my gloom is coming from. To think I come home to a excited but well-behaved pets and a quiet house. I talk to April about our first apartment -- always a favorite topic of mine when my fighting spirit needs a boost. I retell her how I found it dark and in disrepair, and how we slowly made it homey. How at first we didn't have furniture. How the roof leaked until I made the decision we had to leave because we ran out of buckets to catch the drips. It puts me in a better mood to recall how I moved into that apartment. I didn't move that far from all the other houses I've lived in. But I felt like I had come a long, long way.