A migraine crept up on me in the middle of the week and persisted for several days. It was probably from all the moonshine tonics I drank on Wednesday night, or the fact that we stayed up till 3 a.m. watching "Hello Ladies" for the third time, or too much Facebook, or just my overall awful sleeping habits catching up with me, or plain old hormones. Anyhow, I endured it. And in bright-as-hell sunny Southern California in the peak of spring/early summer. What a strange affliction: to hurt to see, to feel sick from the light.

I redecorated. One morning I announced to April and Joy that they were to help me move things around. I always start out cheerful when I get around to finally doing something I've wanted to do for so long. But soon my concentration becomes too intense and I become impatient with everyone around me. April will say, "Be careful, be careful." Because my energy has overtaken me. I smash things and become surly. All I want is for things to be perfect. But I don't know. I transform. I become this fiend and something savage comes out of me.